Your employees forget 50% of what they learned within an hour. However, learning methods and data reinforcement tactics matter a lot in order to retain information.​
i-CyberWise is a security awareness program that offers medium-sized businesses the chance to strengthen their security effectively, at little overhead costs. We use tried-and-tested methods to ensure that your business is as secure as it can possibly be, and is ready to take proactive action in the case of any cyber threat. If you’re wondering how we do that, this is our secret:
We Treat Cybersecurity Like a Marketing Campaign
Too many times a cybersecurity program is rendered useless because it fails to connect to the people who are listening, and/or takes no measures in reinforcing information with visual aids, that only add to the employees’ forgetfulness of the message delivered. However, when a cybersecurity program is treated like a marketing campaign that aims to persuade users to take action in an engaging, systematic process, the results are piqued interests, increased participation and retention of information.
How Do We Do It?
A successful marketing campaign includes the following three elements:​
Answering the end user's their specific needs, drawing them in.
Engaging Content
Offering users something exciting that gets them engaged
Delivery through the RIGHT channel
The message is delivered through the channel the user prefers, and keeps them invested, making it hard for them to forget the message
At i-CyberWise, we treat your employees as potential customers, and with our cybersecurity campaigns, offer infosecurity awareness trainings and programs that are not just on the surface; they have a lasting effect—just like a marketing campaign.
Here are the ways we translate marketing tactics into cybersecurity awareness that actually works.
We understand that each company is different, with varying driving factors, goals, and infosecurity awareness. We will work one-on-one to customise the program so that the delivered campaign is tailored to your needs and delivers the results you require.
Rewarding engagement means people will talk about it and convince more people to come onboard the training. Our prizes for participation and lucky draws will do just the trick, making your employees happy, active participants.
Our cyber education platform contains explainer videos that are not the usual boring type. Short and engaging, followed by quizzes or games that help the learner retain the information, the videos pack a punch for users who are busy in their daily tasks. i-CyberWise can either provide the LMS, or export the education platform to your existing LMS.
A roadshow is the best way to kick off a cybersecurity campaign with a great start. It will be the ideal way to get the maximum visibility and engagement with all the staff.
Merchandise with positive cybersecurity messages (reminders and notes) and additional information can provide employees the reinforcement they need to retain the information delivered during the programme, and implement it in their daily tasks. We offer:
and more ... ...
With each step, the programmes at i-CyberWise provide end users the answer to “Why should I care about cybersecurity” and proceed to brand (pun intended!) the answers in their mind by repeatedly offering interesting avenues. To get started right away, register to download free, HD cybersecurity posters from our website. For more details, drop us a message here or call us at +65-6909-5564.